2020 has been less than a desirable year. From being locked up and hiding from people to the entire world shutting down their economies it makes sense that most of us would turn to shop online to cope. Nowadays you can buy almost anything online and more and more of us are learning just how easy it may be to never have to venture out to the store again. While you want to make sure you don’t go overboard with your spending it’s okay to buy essentials, and even sometimes random presents for yourself or loved ones, especially if the item sparks joy in your soul.
Studies have found that giving gifts can be a complex but important part of human action. Gifts help to define and make stronger connections. If you can believe it, it is often the giver who reaps the benefits from the present. The psychology of giving dates back to the beginning of time with the gift of teeth as jewelry. So with that in mind, it may be best to hop onto your computer and start researching some of the most interesting items you could possibly buy and start sharing them with your friends, family, and yourself!
1. Live Insects for Geckos
Little fluffy or fido can easily have their food delivered via multiple online pet stars. But what about pet creepy or crawly? Well, there is a place now that you can buy pet reptiles all the pet food it may need. The Tokay gecko is becoming a very popular pet for seasoned reptile owners, thanks to it its friendly nature (once it warms up to its owner). If you’re considering buying a Tokay gecko to care for during quarantine, you’ll want to make sure that you know where to get your lizard the best food.
Top Flight Dubia is a family-owned and operated company that has happily been raising nutritious, quality feeders in Pearland, Texas since 2009. Dietary needs and feeding schedules can vary by reptile species, but a good diet is of the greatest importance for the health and well being of any kind of lizard. Some pets will require a daily balanced mix of fresh vegetables and fruits, while others go from weeks to months between large prey feedings. It is important to know what is right for each of your beloved lizard pets. By choosing to feed your reptile live food options, you will strengthen their health and physical structure while continuing to develop and grow to their best lizard selves. You’ll also see an increase in your Tokay gecko’s energy and vitality. Live feedings can also help ward off any gecko illnesses. The best part for your pet is the food will increase their natural gecko hunting instincts.
2. Relaxing CBD Products
During these uncertain times, many of us are completely stressed out and could use a little pick me up. If this sounds like you, you’ll be happy to know that the hemp CBD flower is a great option for many who are feeling a little under the weather. Once you’ve taken it you will immediately feel calmer and more relaxed. Hemp is a variant of the Cannabis sativa that is naturally low in the cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and rich in cannabidiol (CBD). Some users find the CBG flower to be even more effective than CBD. There are also many medicinal benefits, particularly in its anti-inflammatory properties. Hemp CBD flowers are also used to treat a wide variety of disorders and illnesses such as depression or glaucoma. The hemp flower can also reduce acne and is known to lower blood pressure. You should discuss taking any supplements with your doctor, especially if it’s your first time trying CBD products. While these products are legal in the United States, they can have a different effect on different people so be sure to check in with a medical professional before enjoying CBD oil, edibles, gummies, or other CBD products.
3. Totally Glam Lashes
Magnetic eyeliner lashes are a great way to look and feel your best when you are trying to give your self-love a little boost. Almost every woman can agree that beauty should be effortless and these lashes make it happen. Instead of having to go to the salon for a nice pair you can now order online and have them delivered straight to your door. So even if it is just a night in with your TV or dinner with the girls your eyes will be making a statement. Magnetic eyelashes are also very safe to use around the eye. Many even believe that magnetic eyelashes are better than using traditional false eyelashes since now there is no need to put the glue anywhere near your eye. While you have your lashes on you can make sure your eye pops with a nice smokey eye, full lip, and some mascara. Might as well make the most out of it!
4. Golden Girls Swag
Name a more iconic group of friends than The Golden Girls. If you ever hoped you were friends with Dorothy Zbornak, Rose Nylund, Blanche Devereaux, and Sophia Petrillo then head on down to the internet where you can find a plethora of items from the show. You too can be eating cheesecake while serving a witty comeback while wearing Golden Girls’ themed pins or casual wear. The Golden Girls always made their viewers feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside with nostalgia. The show also inspired younger women to have their own strong group of fierce female friends.
5. Personalized Items
If you or someone you love is feeling lonely and needs a reminder that they are loved a personalized gift is just perfect. Instead of a personalized piece of jewelry why not try a customized ornament with you and your friends painted on it. You don’t have to do just faces—you can take a theme that your friend loves and run with it. If they love looking at the stars why not get them a sweet pack of playing cards for those amazing game nights we can have virtually with the constellations on it. Your loved one is bound to love a thoughtful gift from the heart.
6. Cooking Gear
If you are going a bit stir crazy and missing your co-workers you can always buy a waffle iron in the shape of your keyboard. The breakfast staple will bring you right back to those office antics where you would be sitting at your desk all day typing away. Add a little syrup and you have a full morning breakfast that is bound to bring a smile to your face. Don’t like waffles? No worries, you can also find some great egg machines that can make you a full English muffin and egg sandwich in under two minutes. Everyone has some time for that in their busy morning schedule. Make it a morning ritual and maybe your family might even join in!
7. Star Wars Measuring Cups
A Star Wars R2-D2 measuring cup set is a gift that just can’t be wrong. It is both geeky and cute so you mid-as-well buy one of these for yourself. If you have a gift receiver in mind you better scoop one up quickly. This nifty movie contraption is just perfect for cooking, baking, and everything in between. You get four cups (1/4, 1/3, 1/2, and 1 cup sizes) and two spoons. Yoda would totally tell you to buy this. If you are not an R2D2 fan there are tons of other characters like C3PO and other designs to choose from, so you won’t have to settle. But you will have the most out of this world kitchen utensils.